All the information you need

Atmosphere Event

Learn from our experts how to empower your users with a user-friendly solution to transfer large and sensitive files to external parties with Cryptshare by Pointsharp.

Yubikey Computer Fingerprint Biometric

One of our most popular solutions is to add certificate-based logins. In this webinar, we will show you how that works.

Europe Atmosphere

Learn more about NIS2, where to begin to ensure NIS2 compliance and how organizations can use NIS2 to future-proof their IAM infrastructure.


Atmosphere SMALL Young Meeting

The DORA regulation applies to the financial sector as of January 2025. Here are four steps to ensure compliance for you and your third-party providers.

Atmosphere Security Camera

Focusing on your users will make their working lives easier and more productive. This will also positively affect the organization's overall security posture. Here are five areas where Workforce identity will improve security.

 Security Trends Banner X

What are the cybersecurity trends for 2025? Here, we list six topics that will affect us all this year.

Atmosphere Young Workers

How can workforce identity solutions benefit your entire organization? This article examines the broader positive impacts of workforce identity.

Atmosphere Young Workers

Happy users are more productive users. Workforce identity benefits the organization in several ways. Here are seven examples of user frustrations and how they can be remedied.

Cybersecurity Year In Review Banner X

We look back at 2024 and the most talked-about trends and topics to see if we made the right predictions at the beginning of the year.

Artificial Intelligence Atmosphere

Be aware of these cyber security topics in 2024 to secure your digital workplace successfully.


January 27-31 is Data Privacy Week. In this article, we explain what it is, why it matters, and what you, as an individual or organization, can do during this dedicated week.

Atmosphere Network

Looking for a modern, secure FTP alternative? Cryptshare is your user-friendly solution for file transfers. No user administration necessary, automatic data deletion

IM Day Atmosphere

Identity Management Day is here – Use it to boost your organization.

Tech Reset Password

NIST has published new guidelines for how we should construct and use passwords. Read them here in detail, but also get an insight into why passwords are a thing of the past and what to use instead.

Atmosphere Network

Prevent extortion - Protect yourself and your employees from ransomware with an email security solution from Cryptshare

Atmosphere Buildings

S/MIME vs. PGP - What is the right approach to protect electronic communication? This page is an attempt to approach the answer to this important question holistically.

Europe Atmosphere

We explain the NIS2 directive and help you on your way to compliance.

Smartcard Computer

It is a set of authentication standards developed by the Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Alliance. It uses public key cryptography to provide a simpler and more secure method of authenticating users.

Atmosphere Sunset

Zero trust is not just a buzz word, but a security principle that is key to a modern digital workplace.

Europe Atmosphere

The NIS2 directive entered into force last October. But where are the EU countries when it comes to implementing the directive? We have the complete list for you.

Atmosphere Future Horizontal

The concept of identity and authentication is at the core of what we do at Pointsharp. How can you prove that you are who you say you are?