The best way of contacting us is by using this form. But you can also find our visiting address and other contact info further down.

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Further contact information

Stockholm, Sweden [Head office]

Uddvägen 7
131 54 Nacka
+46 8 601 23 00

Freiburg, Germany

Schwarzwaldstr. 151
79102 Freiburg
+49 761 389130

Karlsruhe, Germany

Grünhutstraße 6
76187 Karlsruhe
+49 721 509907-00

Copenhagen, Denmark

Kgs. Nytorv 8,3
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
+45 31 64 34 34

Basel, Switzerland

Hechtliacker 44
4053 Basel
+49 721 509907-00

Arnhem, Netherlands

IJsselburcht 3
6825 BS Arnhem
+31 26 82 00 322