PRESS RELEASE 2020-11-12
Pointsharp, founded in 2006, enables organizations to secure IT environments with a high-level of control for IT departments combined with an intuitive mobile user experience.
Pointsharp has a broad solution offering in the Identity and Access Management market related to multifactor authentication, security gateway, user provisioning and password management. The company serves more than 220 enterprise organizations globally with high security or sensitive data needs in several different market verticals, including finance, governmental, and industrial. Example customers are: Volvo, NCC, Karolinska Institutet, Skandia and Audi.
Pointsharp is based in Stockholm, Sweden and operates with sales offices around Europe and partner resellers. Together with Main Capital, the company will focus on an organic growth strategy of strengthening the partner network for further international expansion, complemented with smart strategic acquisitions focused on created a leading security player in North-Western Europe.
Niklas Brask (Managing Director of Pointsharp): “With Main Capital’s long experience of software companies, we are happy to have them as active owners and part of Pointsharp. Main Capital not only shares our view of the security market, but also the culture within Pointsharp which is an important part of the company’s success. Together we will continue to grow the partner network and help customers to do what we are best at, deliver security that helps their employees to be mobile and work remotely.”
Charly Zwemstra (Managing Partner Main Capital): “Stricter security and compliance requirement of organizations, in combination with the increasing need for remote workforce access, provides strong growth perspective in this part of the security market. We are impressed by how the Management team of Pointsharp have been able to realize autonomous growth in a profitable way and build-up a strong position in the market. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with the management team of Pointsharp and together add further value to the clients by expanding and developing the product offering both organically and by acquisitions in the Nordics, Benelux and DACH regions.”
About Main Capital Partners
Main Capital is a strategic investor with an exclusive focus on the software sector in the Benelux, DACH and Nordics. Main has a long-term horizon around successful partnerships with management teams, with the aim of building larger software groups together. Main has approximately € 1 billion in assets under management for investments in mature and growing software companies.
The current portfolio of Main Capital Partners includes fast-growing software and SaaS companies such as Textkernel (HR & AI software), MACH AG (E-Government software), WoodWing (marketing automation), Alfa (healthcare), Exxellence Groep (government software), Optimizers (supply chain software), Assessio (HR & Talent management), GBtec (process automation / workflow management/ GRC), Onventis (procurement & invoice management), HYPE Innovation (innovation management / collaboration), Cleversoft (GRC for financial services), Enovation (Healthcare), SDB Groep (Healthcare), Jobrouter (Process automation), GOconnectIT (GEO ICT), Inergy (data driven governmental solutions), MUIS Software (financial administrative), Artegic (marketing automation), OBI4wan (customer engagement & Chatbot platform), b + m Informatik (financial services) and ChainPoint (sustainable supply chain tracking). Successful former companies that have grown substantially under the guidance of Main are: Connexys (HR software), Roxit (municipal software), Axxerion (facility management software), Ymor (APM software), Onguard (credit management), Denit (managed hosting provider) and RVC (Healthcare).
Note for editors:
The sender of this press release is Main Capital. For more you can contact:
Charly Zwemstra (Managing Partner)
Main Capital Partners B.V., Paleisstraat 6, 2514 JA, The Hague
+31 (0) 70 324 3433 / +31 (0) 6 5127 7805
charly [at] (charly[at]main[dot]nl)
Press in the Nordics:
Wessel Ploegmakers (Sr. Investment Manager & Co-head Nordics)
Artillerigatan 6, 114 51, Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0) 73 261 1700 / +46 (0) 8 121 55 620
Niklas Brask (CEO Pointsharp)
Östhammarsgatan 68, 115 28, Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0) 70 738 7370
niklas.brask [at]