Qu'est-ce que la workforce identity ?

À première vue, il peut s'agir d'un synonyme d'IAM. 
Et oui, la workforce identity est une forme de gestion de l'identité et des accès, c'est vrai. Cependant, elle se concentre sur votre personnel, vos employés, et sur la façon de faciliter leur journée de travail pour profiter à l'ensemble de l'organisation, à sa sécurité, à sa de conformité et à son avenir.

New expectations from employees

Remote working, BYOD, and similar practices have grown in popularity over the years. But when the pandemic hit, it became a reality, as everyone scrambled to enable their employees to continue working from home. At the same time, it quickly became apparent that all of this was very much possible. 

Returning to the post-pandemic world, many employees expect to have the freedom of remote working, at least to some extent. It has become the new norm, and organizations now need a stable strategy moving forward. 

À cela s'ajoutent un flux constant de risques de sécurité nouveaux et anciens (l'IA accélérant le processus), de nouvelles réglementations en matière de gouvernance des identités et d'authentification sécurisée.

Il s'agit sans aucun doute d'un défi à relever tout en veillant à ce que les employés soient satisfaits, à ce que le développement des produits progresse, à ce que les partenaires externes soient impliqués et à ce que les bénéfices aillent dans la bonne direction.

workforce identity - working from home
Workforce identity - secure login

Workplace identity and the modern workplace

Large organizations, especially those that have grown organically or through acquisitions, often struggle with a fragmented infrastructure. Critical data and legacy applications are kept safe in a data center on-premises, while other applications and services use the cloud. As many as 41 percent of organizations have separate management systems for on-prem and cloud environments. 

This creates several silos of data and user identities that, more often than not, struggle to communicate with each other for maximum efficiency. 

Also, employees come and go in an organization, creating potential holes in access rights, uncertainty about where data is stored, and waste as much as 32 percent of software licenses. 

Workplace identity aims to bridge the gap and provide secure, user-friendly access for every employee—not to everything, but only to what they need to perform their work efficiently. Users should be able to easily log in to what they need for work without worrying about security, remembering which system uses which login method, or worrying about doing something wrong in general. 

L'authentification des utilisateurs, leur accès et l'ensemble de leur cycle de vie doivent être gérés à partir d'un point central, où tout changement affecte simultanément l'ensemble de l'organisation. Tout devrait être consigné de manière adéquate pour faciliter le respect des lois et des réglementations. De nombreuses tâches pourraient et devraient être automatisées ou décentralisées pour rendre l'ensemble de l'organisation plus efficace. 

Adapt to what you already have

This is what Workforce identity is all about: creating a modern digital workplace. One where users and their digital identities are at the center. One where employees have easy access to everything they need in a secure and user-friendly way. One where everything can be managed from one place to avoid security risks, ease the administrative workload, and make compliance a lot easier. 

At the same time, you do not need to throw everything old out and replace it with a new, shiny product. That process is usually very painful, costly, and takes more time than it is worth. 

Instead, organizations should aim to connect all moving parts, not replace everything altogether. Not only is that process a lot cheaper, but it takes a shorter time to implement, can be adapted to the organization’s needs and current infrastructure, and can be grown organically from there. At Pointsharp, we help you connect all these moving parts, regardless of your infrastructure, to create a secure, modern workplace with happier users and admins alike.

Workforce identity - single point of access

Do you want to know more about Workforce identity? Contact us, and we will tell you what we can do to help your organization

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